Dear Guys,
Do you want make your self electric guitar body?
Today we make blank body guitar with basswood sanded finish.
These size 45 x 350 x 530 mm.
We supply these blank body with usd 8/pcs and discount 25-50% for big party.
With these blank you could make your self body as your preference, like these
Project 5th: Veneer Laminated
At this moment we produce wood veneer laminated for indoor decoration function.
This product could use for wall, roofing, flooring.
Price about usd 20/meter square depending on request. If ceramic price more than usd 15/meter square so you should considering our product because you still need cement and other material when installing ceramic.
Material we use now are:
1. bamboo veneer
2. teak veneer
3. pine finger joint veneer
This product could use for wall, roofing, flooring.
Price about usd 20/meter square depending on request. If ceramic price more than usd 15/meter square so you should considering our product because you still need cement and other material when installing ceramic.
Material we use now are:
1. bamboo veneer
2. teak veneer
3. pine finger joint veneer
Wood Packaging
Dear Guys,
Just ask, what important thing when choose for wood packaging for your cargo?
In my mind just use lightest crate but strong one suitable with good inside. Because more heavy is meaning more cost.
We are try to make wood crate from our wood waste/down grade.
These size is 100 x 50 x 50 cm using board thickness 1 cm.
What do you think for weight ? Yes just 3.5 kg.
Just ask, what important thing when choose for wood packaging for your cargo?
In my mind just use lightest crate but strong one suitable with good inside. Because more heavy is meaning more cost.
We are try to make wood crate from our wood waste/down grade.
These size is 100 x 50 x 50 cm using board thickness 1 cm.
What do you think for weight ? Yes just 3.5 kg.
wood crate
Wood Wall Tile
After you look wood tile, don't forget to think your wall. I think this picture could be one of your inspire.
Wow, looks like great. Don't worry you could make them from wood waste, just finishing with coating or else.
These price more expensive than wood tile , I think about usd 15/meter square.
Wow, looks like great. Don't worry you could make them from wood waste, just finishing with coating or else.
These price more expensive than wood tile , I think about usd 15/meter square.
wood wall tile,
wood waste
Wood Tile
Dear Guys,
If you look wood tile below, what do you think?
Yes,they will be very nice for your outdoor yard, bathroom floor, and many other place you want.
But do you think that we could make them just use wood waste or off cut?
We try to make it with some of hardwood species : teak, malapi, bengkirai.
Just collect many wood waste from factory.
If your ceramic for house at price usd 10/meter square, so you could buy from us with these price.
So rethink to use ceramic for your house.
Please don't hesitate contacting us.
Magic Garden Table
While walking at teak forest, fortunately I found many waste from harvesting. Teak root and log scrap.
I get some of them. What do you think I will do with them?
At factory, I slice the teak scrap to be veneer or lamella 2.5mm thickness. Any shape as their origin.
Then laminated them like crazy puzzle to our balsa board for core. (Why we always use balsa? because that are our main product).
Actually we could just make board with these veneer, but we have an idea to make garden table with them.
Yes, with thick board so this table look like strong and muscular... but their price is amazing cheap, as our mission "furniture for us"
And the result like this.
You could look here for detil and inquiry.
Don't forget, please klik like button for us and leave your comment.
Thank you.
I get some of them. What do you think I will do with them?
At factory, I slice the teak scrap to be veneer or lamella 2.5mm thickness. Any shape as their origin.
Then laminated them like crazy puzzle to our balsa board for core. (Why we always use balsa? because that are our main product).
Actually we could just make board with these veneer, but we have an idea to make garden table with them.
Yes, with thick board so this table look like strong and muscular... but their price is amazing cheap, as our mission "furniture for us"
And the result like this.
You could look here for detil and inquiry.
Don't forget, please klik like button for us and leave your comment.
Thank you.
4th Project: Wood box and Ice Cream Stick
Dear Guys,
Still using our off cut, today we producing any wood box, ice cream stick, and coffee stirrer.
We want to very minimizing of wood useless, why? because we plant trees some years not just in weekly or monthly. May be we could contribute in green world project, does not?
Wood box have many various use as paper box, but anyway wood box have their unique always.
You could make wood box for gift, tea box, cheese box, tissue box, or any box as you need. We could finishing them with pvc laminated or painting or coating.
If you have any idea or design, let me know.
For detil please go to product list, for inquiry please go to inquiry page.
This stick just not for ice cream or coffee stirrer, but creatively make any building or toys by you.
At this moment we just make ice cream stick and coffee stirrer.
Actually you could make them your self for one hundred pieces, but for million pieces please ask for us.
Our stick make from balsa with natural colour without any treatment. Green and clean.
For detil please go to product list, for inquiry please go to inquiry page.
Still using our off cut, today we producing any wood box, ice cream stick, and coffee stirrer.
We want to very minimizing of wood useless, why? because we plant trees some years not just in weekly or monthly. May be we could contribute in green world project, does not?
Wood box have many various use as paper box, but anyway wood box have their unique always.
You could make wood box for gift, tea box, cheese box, tissue box, or any box as you need. We could finishing them with pvc laminated or painting or coating.
If you have any idea or design, let me know.
For detil please go to product list, for inquiry please go to inquiry page.
This stick just not for ice cream or coffee stirrer, but creatively make any building or toys by you.
At this moment we just make ice cream stick and coffee stirrer.
Actually you could make them your self for one hundred pieces, but for million pieces please ask for us.
Our stick make from balsa with natural colour without any treatment. Green and clean.
For detil please go to product list, for inquiry please go to inquiry page.
ice cream stick,
wood box
Gazebo Just In
In you are interest with our gazebos, please don't hesitate contacting us.
Gazebo being to be trend. In javanese meaning "omah panggung" could be use for multifunction.
Java culture use it for rest place after working at field, guest room place, evenly for dinning place. The other use for praying or small mosque for moslem. Old maduranese in East Java almost have one at their home.
Very interesting....
We could make gazebo from solid wood as square lumber or round log for their 4 poles. Bamboo also could be built as poles but need special bamboo and construction.
Another choice is make the poles and roof with our off cut (wood waste). Our mission still minimalizing using solid hard wood from natural forest, but still strong and sweet and Cheap of course.
In you are interest with our gazebos, please don't hesitate contacting us.
cheap gazebo
Wall Panel
Dear All,
Some picture below as your idea for wall paneling. Looks like luxurious. Could our home like these or just rich man only?
What do you think about their price?
Don't worry with us just about Rp. 50,000-75.000 per m2.
Our panel make from light wood laminated with PVC/HPL, sound and heat insulation, insect and water resistance.
Our mission is make furniture for all.
Some picture below as your idea for wall paneling. Looks like luxurious. Could our home like these or just rich man only?
What do you think about their price?
Don't worry with us just about Rp. 50,000-75.000 per m2.
Our panel make from light wood laminated with PVC/HPL, sound and heat insulation, insect and water resistance.
Our mission is make furniture for all.
Forest People In Java Indonesia
Dear Forester,
One fact that amazing for me that forest people area in Java more wide than state forest (Perhutani). About 2.709.000 ha for forest people and 2.500.000 ha for state forest ( Could give 70million m3 log annually for supplying wood industry.
For 2 years work involved in forest people at East Java, I want to share original view from forest farmer. Just original view, not academic view or business or government.
What are farmer plant at their land?
I would like to say monoculture and multiculture. More rich farmer plant falcata/sengon monoculture but poor farmer would like plant multiculture between commercial trees, non commercial trees, and food, fruit grass for their cattle. Commercial trees mostly depending of what their neighbor planted, high price, easy sell at stumpage/trees price. Mostly are fast growing species (falcata, balsa) although there are medium (mahoni, gmelina, jabon) and long age (teak).
They plant at their self land. Rice at ricefield and trees at yard. Rich farmer have more 1 hectare of yard at some place but poor farmer just one place and smaller.
Poor farmer plant their self and some time make self seedling with their family, wife and children. Rich farmer pay to other for planting and buy the seed.
Very poor farmer join sharing with rich farmer in plantation. They have land and the rich farmer buy seed and give plantation and maintenance cost. After harvesting share 50:50 or like first agreement.
Poor farmer cut or sell trees when they need some money for their child school, when sick, rebuild their home, or other. If they need just Rp. 500.000 so they only need 1-2 of bigest trees to sell. The customer buy in trees and pay cash before cut the trees.
If they need big money they sell of their commercial trees although small/young trees. Old trees could be cut directly by customer but the small one could be cut 2-3 next years.
One word for this fact is that The Trees are Their Bank
They plant fruit and food under trees for monthly cashflow,
They plant grass and tree live for their cattle foot daily,
They plant bamboo for keep their land from erotion and some money or use their self.
They plant not commercial trees at the corner of their land as mark and boundery.
They plant fast growing commercial trees for annual cash flow or immediately cash flow
They plant long age trees for decades cash flow or use their self for rebuilt home.
Just simple management.
For this question, you should come here with us. Let say Forest People for Tourism
1. self experiences.
One fact that amazing for me that forest people area in Java more wide than state forest (Perhutani). About 2.709.000 ha for forest people and 2.500.000 ha for state forest ( Could give 70million m3 log annually for supplying wood industry.
For 2 years work involved in forest people at East Java, I want to share original view from forest farmer. Just original view, not academic view or business or government.
What are farmer plant at their land?
I would like to say monoculture and multiculture. More rich farmer plant falcata/sengon monoculture but poor farmer would like plant multiculture between commercial trees, non commercial trees, and food, fruit grass for their cattle. Commercial trees mostly depending of what their neighbor planted, high price, easy sell at stumpage/trees price. Mostly are fast growing species (falcata, balsa) although there are medium (mahoni, gmelina, jabon) and long age (teak).
They plant at their self land. Rice at ricefield and trees at yard. Rich farmer have more 1 hectare of yard at some place but poor farmer just one place and smaller.
Poor farmer plant their self and some time make self seedling with their family, wife and children. Rich farmer pay to other for planting and buy the seed.
Very poor farmer join sharing with rich farmer in plantation. They have land and the rich farmer buy seed and give plantation and maintenance cost. After harvesting share 50:50 or like first agreement.
Poor farmer cut or sell trees when they need some money for their child school, when sick, rebuild their home, or other. If they need just Rp. 500.000 so they only need 1-2 of bigest trees to sell. The customer buy in trees and pay cash before cut the trees.
If they need big money they sell of their commercial trees although small/young trees. Old trees could be cut directly by customer but the small one could be cut 2-3 next years.
One word for this fact is that The Trees are Their Bank
They plant fruit and food under trees for monthly cashflow,
They plant grass and tree live for their cattle foot daily,
They plant bamboo for keep their land from erotion and some money or use their self.
They plant not commercial trees at the corner of their land as mark and boundery.
They plant fast growing commercial trees for annual cash flow or immediately cash flow
They plant long age trees for decades cash flow or use their self for rebuilt home.
Just simple management.
For this question, you should come here with us. Let say Forest People for Tourism
1. self experiences.
Indonesia Wood Product Export Regulation
This article had no-relevance again because revised of goverment regulation. Suitable new article see here
Dear Forester,
Do you know a regulation for exporting wood product in Indonesia.
Just share to all forester in academic, government, and exportir some fact:
We could not export S4S (block smooth all sides) all of wood species except Merbau more than 4000 mm2 end grain surface area. It is mean if your block have 100 mm width so maximum your thick must be 40 mm. You could not export 100x41 mm for width x thick.
But just for Merbau you could make maximum 10000 mm2 for width x thickness.
Why ??? Please give me comment for these.
These regulation make some of Indonesia wood export not competitive with other country.
As long as our experiences in Balsa wood, fast growing plantation (4years), we loose the market cause other country could export thicker and factually customers want more thick size.
I think this regulation suitable for hardwood long age species like teak and Merbau (more than 50 years) regarding make added value for Indonesia economic, but very not suitable for fast growing species that limited in market and factory like balsa wood.
Dear Forester,
Do you know a regulation for exporting wood product in Indonesia.
Just share to all forester in academic, government, and exportir some fact:
We could not export S4S (block smooth all sides) all of wood species except Merbau more than 4000 mm2 end grain surface area. It is mean if your block have 100 mm width so maximum your thick must be 40 mm. You could not export 100x41 mm for width x thick.
But just for Merbau you could make maximum 10000 mm2 for width x thickness.
Why ??? Please give me comment for these.
These regulation make some of Indonesia wood export not competitive with other country.
As long as our experiences in Balsa wood, fast growing plantation (4years), we loose the market cause other country could export thicker and factually customers want more thick size.
I think this regulation suitable for hardwood long age species like teak and Merbau (more than 50 years) regarding make added value for Indonesia economic, but very not suitable for fast growing species that limited in market and factory like balsa wood.
3th Project : Make a Door
Good day for all.
We just finish for one thing today and share with you.
What is your door material at home or office?
Yes, there are some material like steel, alumunium, solid wood, and plywood.
At this blog we want to introduce making door from wood off cut. Wish you remember that we have make a board from these off cut.
What this door strength are light, variation design, unique, water and insect resistance, strong but just cheap.
1st step
Prepare for 33 mm thickness of board core.
2nd step
Laminate all edges of board with finger joint of hardwood. This edge need stronger than core because for door handle and lock.
3td step
Laminate face and back with plywood 3mm. We could use falcata plywood.
4th step
Laminate the plywood with some unique material. You could use PVC or HDF with any color. More unique, please use bamboo veneer or fancy wood, but you need finishing painting for them.
Do you have any design for your door? Let me know..
We just finish for one thing today and share with you.
What is your door material at home or office?
Yes, there are some material like steel, alumunium, solid wood, and plywood.
At this blog we want to introduce making door from wood off cut. Wish you remember that we have make a board from these off cut.
What this door strength are light, variation design, unique, water and insect resistance, strong but just cheap.
1st step
Prepare for 33 mm thickness of board core.
2nd step
Laminate all edges of board with finger joint of hardwood. This edge need stronger than core because for door handle and lock.
3td step
Laminate face and back with plywood 3mm. We could use falcata plywood.
4th step
Laminate the plywood with some unique material. You could use PVC or HDF with any color. More unique, please use bamboo veneer or fancy wood, but you need finishing painting for them.
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sliding door |
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Do you have any design for your door? Let me know..
How About Sell
Dear All,
When we make some sample, fortunately some of employee agree for follow up this product to market.
I know that we are new in this sector, but we have something that the other have not. Yes I am sure.
Why we don't try???
Lets Just In with our product, our green, our Light furniture, and our best price.
Ready for sell.
When we make some sample, fortunately some of employee agree for follow up this product to market.
I know that we are new in this sector, but we have something that the other have not. Yes I am sure.
Why we don't try???
Lets Just In with our product, our green, our Light furniture, and our best price.
Ready for sell.
Just In Philosophy
Dear Guys,
How are you today. Thanks for God that we still could breath and look our sun. All of them are free, without pay anything. So we should make his gift for anything usefull, NO DESTRUCTIF for our earth, human species, although to dancing grass. Right??
Last Month, we got some idea to be serious in furniture as our new division. Just you know that Auszid CV focused for wood working specialized in wood for composite core world supply.
Yeah, after break for coffee at " Angkringan " one night, we got new idea to optimize our off cut. Otherwise our market still turn down for while.
What is for our brand name?
Inspired from Justin Biber, we called our bran as JUST IN. Thanks Justin Biber...
In Java language meaning "NDANG MLEBUA, GAK SAH ISIN.."
In Maduranese meaning " TOREH KANJEH, JEK TODUS"
Globally, welcome for anyone. Lets look what we could doing for our live and Lets join with us.
So, just in with us and share together.
How are you today. Thanks for God that we still could breath and look our sun. All of them are free, without pay anything. So we should make his gift for anything usefull, NO DESTRUCTIF for our earth, human species, although to dancing grass. Right??
Last Month, we got some idea to be serious in furniture as our new division. Just you know that Auszid CV focused for wood working specialized in wood for composite core world supply.
Yeah, after break for coffee at " Angkringan " one night, we got new idea to optimize our off cut. Otherwise our market still turn down for while.
What is for our brand name?
Inspired from Justin Biber, we called our bran as JUST IN. Thanks Justin Biber...
In Java language meaning "NDANG MLEBUA, GAK SAH ISIN.."
In Maduranese meaning " TOREH KANJEH, JEK TODUS"
Globally, welcome for anyone. Lets look what we could doing for our live and Lets join with us.
So, just in with us and share together.
2nd Project : Sweet Room Partition
Good day for us.
I have a trouble with our office room.
We need to make partition between guest room and my room more private. I think will need a partition.
Let s go for make it !!!
Wish you remember we have some board from our off cut. So we just use them for main material.
Size or partition width 1300 mm x high 2500 mm. Board thickness 35 mm.
After cut the board to be any size needed, I want to make sweet color for my partition. Using PVC and laminated them manually.
Below of our new partition.
Behind of the partition is wood wall from finger joint board. We mould at two side to be one click system.
Im very satisfied with our work and new office.
You could use this for your home or office. Just cheap, light, and sweet.
My room size is width 4mtr and high 3 mtr. To make wall roofing and sweet partition, we need usd 200.
Wall roofing price is usd 11 per meter square and sweet partition price is usd 67.
Do you believe that I could lift these sweet partition 1.3 x 2.5 mtr alone?
Please advise for other idea for room partition..
I have a trouble with our office room.
![]() |
first room |
We need to make partition between guest room and my room more private. I think will need a partition.
Let s go for make it !!!
Wish you remember we have some board from our off cut. So we just use them for main material.
Size or partition width 1300 mm x high 2500 mm. Board thickness 35 mm.
After cut the board to be any size needed, I want to make sweet color for my partition. Using PVC and laminated them manually.
Below of our new partition.
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room partition |
Behind of the partition is wood wall from finger joint board. We mould at two side to be one click system.
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wall roofing |
built wall roofing |
Im very satisfied with our work and new office.
You could use this for your home or office. Just cheap, light, and sweet.
My room size is width 4mtr and high 3 mtr. To make wall roofing and sweet partition, we need usd 200.
Wall roofing price is usd 11 per meter square and sweet partition price is usd 67.
Do you believe that I could lift these sweet partition 1.3 x 2.5 mtr alone?
Please advise for other idea for room partition..
First Project: Making Finger Joint Board
At this moment we will make our first project.
Make finger joint laminated board from our wood off cut.
After we have these board, we could use them for anything like hardboard or plywood.
On this project we will need :
1. finger joint machine. Any way we could make our self manually, couldn't you?
2. laminating machine
3. moulding
4. cross cutting
5. sander
6. glue
The process was simple basically.
1. make your size of each flitches.
2. shape the front and end each flitches like your finger
3. joining each flitches to be finger joint stick to reach the desire of length
4. dress two side each finger joint stick.
5. Laminated each finger joint stick to reach the desire of width. At this step we have finishing our finger joint laminated board.
6. Finally sand two side each board.
Now we have board 18 mm thickness 1220mm width and 5000mm length. Please remember that these of board come from off cut any thickness x 30 x 200mm. This off cut size is useless but our new board is very use full.
Are you ready for next action with our board?
Wish your advise for any idea. Thank you
Make finger joint laminated board from our wood off cut.
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off cut |
After we have these board, we could use them for anything like hardboard or plywood.
On this project we will need :
1. finger joint machine. Any way we could make our self manually, couldn't you?
2. laminating machine
3. moulding
4. cross cutting
5. sander
6. glue
The process was simple basically.
1. make your size of each flitches.
2. shape the front and end each flitches like your finger
3. joining each flitches to be finger joint stick to reach the desire of length
4. dress two side each finger joint stick.
5. Laminated each finger joint stick to reach the desire of width. At this step we have finishing our finger joint laminated board.
6. Finally sand two side each board.
Now we have board 18 mm thickness 1220mm width and 5000mm length. Please remember that these of board come from off cut any thickness x 30 x 200mm. This off cut size is useless but our new board is very use full.
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Finger Joint Laminating board |
Are you ready for next action with our board?
Wish your advise for any idea. Thank you
laminated board,
Wood Waste
How are you? wish best for us.
At this time, we want share you about wood waste.
They are off cut, wood scrap, and saw dust.
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wood off cut ready to sell for fire |
Furniture Revolution
Dear All,
What is in your mind about furniture?
What do you think that your wood furniture is very lighter than hardboard or MDF but more strong? So you could lift a wardrobe alone, move your table and everything at home alone.
Do you believe that your furniture come from wood waste from wood manufacture? so they will be green.
Do you believe that your furniture come from 3-4 years of trees plantation? Of course we could minimizing using natural forest trees.
Yes, they are our furniture revolution. LIGHT, STRONG, WATER-INSECT RESISTANCE, GREEN
One important thing always is more CHEAP.
We are come from these concept and will give for you the fact with our product.
Please follow up with us and feel free contacting us.
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