Light but strongt, thats what we want.
Simple furniture for you. Made from solid balsa wood the lightest wood in the world.
Chair under 2 kg with 125 kg man you could see below.
Strength Test Balsa Chair
Light but strongt, thats what we want.
Simple furniture for you. Made from solid balsa wood the lightest wood in the world.
Chair under 2 kg with 125 kg man you could see below.
Simple furniture for you. Made from solid balsa wood the lightest wood in the world.
Chair under 2 kg with 125 kg man you could see below.
Balsa Light and White Furniture
Revolusi for funiture. Light and white is my favorite and Balsa Wood is my Idol.
Don't afraid these chair will be broken with 150 kg man.
Best choice for wedding property, home, studio, or film property.
Justin Furniture: Balsa Wood for Advertising Wedding Invitations
Justin Furniture: Balsa Wood for Advertising Wedding Invitations: Balsa wood for advertising material is very interesting. Last month a couple want us to make wedding invitations from balsa wood. Usually ...
Balsa Wood for Advertising Wedding Invitations
Balsa wood for advertising material is very interesting. Last month a couple want us to make wedding invitations from balsa wood. Usually all of wedding letter use paper, but this order very attractive for me. Let's do it this project.
First step.
prepare balsa sheet material 3mm thickness width 200x300 mm, finish sanding
Second step
Assembling balsa sheet to be envelope and letter, like this
Thrid step
Printing the envelope and letter for wedding invitations
Fourth step
Finishing with some packaging
This is some picture for our project and my customer, nice wedding couple very satisfied.
Hi couples who are getting married, if you like these wedding invitation just contact us
Mainan Kayu Balsa Mengasah Kreatifitas Anak
Mainan murah dari kayu balsa mengasah anak kreatif. Dengan hanya Rp 5.000 Orang tua bisa membeli mainan edukatif bermutu untuk anaknya.
Kayu balsa adalah jenis kayu yang paling ringan dan lunak seperti busa. Mudah dipotong, dibentuk, dan dilem. Karena dari bahan alam maka sangat aman untuk anak daripada bahan sintetis lainnya. Balsa sebagai mainan alami secara tidak langsung mengenalkan anak lebih dekat kepada pohon, kayu, dan alam tempat mereka hidup. Inilah nilai lebih yang tidak bisa dikalahkan oleh mainan sintetis yang canggih dan mahal.
Kayu balsa memang masih belum familiar di Indonesia, walaupun di luar negeri termasuk jenis kayu yang difavoritkan setiap pelajar untuk membuat bermacam jenis mainan yang sangat kreatif. Lomba membuat miniatur jembatan (bridge contest) dari kayu balsa merupakan ajang bergengsi bagi pelajar sampai dengan mahasiswa. Membuat model pesawat, kapal boat, alat transportasi, bangunan dsb juga dilombakan, tidak hanya bentuknya saja tetapi pesawat tersebut harus memenuhi kaidah aeromodelling. Selain itu sudah banyak ide-ide kreatif lain yang diaplikasikan dengan kayu balsa tertutama di dunia advertising dan kerajinan tangan.
Kayu balsa yang dijual untuk hobi dan mainan bisa berbentuk (1) bahan mentah dengan bermacam ukuran, (2) bahan yang sudah di laser cutting atau sudah disetting ukurannya dan siap assembling, (3) dan produk mainan sudah jadi. Berikut penjelasannya
(1) Bahan mentah dengan bermacam ukuran,
Berupa balsa sheet/lembaran, balsa stick, balsa strip, dan balsa balok. Anda bisa membeli sesuai kebutuhan Anda dan atau tersedia juga "balsa pack" yang terdiri dari bermacam bentuk dan ukuran dalam satu pack.
Dengan bahan mentah tersebut anak dan orang tua bisa membuat bermacam mainan, model dan apapun sesuai kreatifitas. Dijamin Anda akan larut dalam eksplorasi kreatifitas bersama anak Anda. Alat yang dibutuhkan antara lain cutter/alat potong dan lem. Anda bisa membuat model yang sederhana sampai rumit tergantung sejauh mana Anda bisa berkreatifitas. Jangan lupa, produk model Anda tersebut juga sangat menjanjikan untuk dijual. Bukankah ini mengajarkan juga kreatifitas yang bernilai ekonomi kepada Anak. Mendidik anak sebagai enterpreneur cilik, calon-calon pengusaha di masa depan.
Berikut contoh hasil kreasi dari bahan mentah yang dibuat oleh pelajar SD dan SMP.
(2) bahan yang sudah disetting ukuran dan bentuk sehingga siap dirakit. Biasanya menggunakan laser cutting. Bahan beserta petunjuk assembling sekaligus lem disertakan dalam satu pack sehingga lebih praktis.
(3) produk kayu balsa yang sudah jadi. Produk ini lebih cenderung untuk hobi seperti pesawat model, kapal, miniatur, dsb
mainan kayu,
The Biggest Chair in The World
This one is my favorite. I put at my guest room. Big bed from teak root size 2x3 metre and thickness 10 cm. So Beautiful one.
Your guest could sit more flexible and our talking about business or other more interesting.
Just usd 500/set, but you should to assembling your self. Because we make it to be some component. We can't ship the big one without break down to be small block.
I put some balsa block under these bed so totally high 30 cm, suitable for sit.
This below one is unique chair from waste of teak. Just collect them and shape we can make a beautiful chair. Finishing with water coat looks like natural. Very cheap just usd 30/pcs.
Your guest could sit more flexible and our talking about business or other more interesting.
Just usd 500/set, but you should to assembling your self. Because we make it to be some component. We can't ship the big one without break down to be small block.
I put some balsa block under these bed so totally high 30 cm, suitable for sit.
This below one is unique chair from waste of teak. Just collect them and shape we can make a beautiful chair. Finishing with water coat looks like natural. Very cheap just usd 30/pcs.
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unique teak chair |
Balsa is The Best Material for Your Modelling
Balsa wood is the best for modelling. Easy for cutting and glueing to make any model you want. You could use any model for aeromodelling, toys, building, tower, and bridge. Very interesting for your child.
Balsa density is the best for aero modelling and boating because its light density.
You will need balsa in any shape for making model, in sheet, strips, stick, block, etc.
At online balsa shop you will find many size and price for you need.
Balsa is expensive? No, Don't think that the price is expensive,
With us you could get The Best Price and Quality.
Available sheet in 1-10 x 100 x 1000 mm
Available also strip and stick any size you need.
Don't miss our HOT PROMO here.
Balsa density is the best for aero modelling and boating because its light density.
You will need balsa in any shape for making model, in sheet, strips, stick, block, etc.
At online balsa shop you will find many size and price for you need.
Balsa is expensive? No, Don't think that the price is expensive,
With us you could get The Best Price and Quality.
Available sheet in 1-10 x 100 x 1000 mm
Available also strip and stick any size you need.
Don't miss our HOT PROMO here.
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