First Project: Making Finger Joint Board

At this moment we will make our first project.
Make finger joint laminated board from our wood off cut.
off cut

After we have these board, we could use them for anything like hardboard or plywood.

On this project we will need :
1. finger joint machine. Any way we could make our self manually, couldn't you?
2. laminating machine
3. moulding
4. cross cutting
5. sander
6. glue

The process was simple basically.
1. make your size of each flitches.
2. shape the front and end each flitches like your finger
3. joining each flitches to be finger joint stick to reach the desire of length
4. dress two  side each finger joint stick.
5. Laminated each finger joint stick to reach the desire of width. At this step we have finishing our finger joint laminated board.
6. Finally sand two side each board.

Now we have board 18 mm thickness 1220mm width and 5000mm length. Please remember that these of board come from off cut any thickness x 30 x 200mm. This off cut size is useless but our new board is very use full.

Finger Joint Laminating board

Are you ready for next action with our board?
Wish your advise for any idea. Thank you

1 comment:

  1. do you have a video? we have all the machines and equipments but we have real problem in making board as they tend to bend or displace
