Indonesia Wood Product Export Regulation

This article had no-relevance again because revised of goverment regulation. Suitable new article see here
Dear Forester,

Do you know a regulation for exporting wood product in Indonesia.

Just share to all forester in academic, government, and exportir some fact:

We could not export S4S (block smooth all sides) all of wood species except Merbau more than  4000 mm2 end grain surface area. It is mean if your block have 100 mm width so maximum your thick must be 40 mm. You could not export 100x41 mm for width x thick. 
But just for Merbau you could make maximum 10000 mm2 for width x thickness.

Why ??? Please give me comment for these.

These regulation make some of Indonesia wood export not competitive with other country.
As long as our experiences in Balsa wood, fast growing plantation (4years), we loose the market cause other country could export thicker and factually customers want more thick size.

I think this regulation suitable for hardwood long age species like teak and Merbau (more than 50 years) regarding make added value for Indonesia economic, but very not suitable for fast growing species that limited in market and factory like balsa wood. 

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